Thursday, June 5, 2008

RapidShare Get Points 2.33

RapidShare Get Points 2.33

What is RS-GetPoints?
Its a little software codec in AutoIt which allow you to display your
RapidShare Premium or Collectors account Info on a tiny window.

Main Window:
-speed [pts/hour]. -How many points you collected this session [and time].
-How many did you download last 5 days [for the 25gig limit].

-Select your RS account Type [Collector or Premium] -
-Choose if you want to launch it on startup.
-If you want to launch it minimized.
-If you want to display a TrayTooltip [right] which appear when you get
points [how many] with which account, and total collected.
-You need to fill your account infos to access to this program.

Here you can access to your collected Points per day history.
It obviously needs to be active on that day to know how many points did
you collected.

Download: 2.45 MB


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